What Type of Athlete Are You?


Definition of athlete

1 : a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina

At Endorphasm, we envision all of you as athletes!

Monday – FIIT for Duty (Strength & Conditioning – Push, Pull)
Tuesday – Kitchen Sink (Skill + Conditioning…High Cardio Output)
Wednesday – XtremeIIT (Athlete- Strength/Cardio Combo’s)
Thursday – CycleIIT (Cardio and Strength on and Off the Bike)
Friday – Diezel Drenched (Pure Strength through Dumbbell Movements)
Saturday – XtremeIIT…the Fast & The Furious (Shit Gets Real)
Sunday – CycleIIT

Nothing prepares you for endorphasm…but endorphasm prepares you for everything.

Workouts that you have to try to be able to understand because it’s somewhat mysterious.