Today, I accidentally texted an old friend and ended up having an interesting exchange with him. It left me sad for him. He expressed being in a dark place and as a result making terrible choices. I believe there a rarely accidents…I’m not sure if he needed me, or I needed him. Needless to say, I felt compelled to write.

Do you feel constantly ashamed of yourself for no good reason? Do you find yourself apologizing for yourself more often than not?

Why do other people’s judgements of you matter so much? What are you afraid of? Where does this fear of being inadequate come from? How were you hurt?

Can you let it go?

Insight in itself will not instantly build your self-esteem. However, your brain is reconfigurable. You can gain more control by exercising choice in the moment.

Start paying attention to things that make you feel truly proud of yourself…do things that make you feel truly proud.

Life can sometimes get the most positive individual down, but those positive individuals continue to focus on the positive. There will always be those that find something wrong, or insult you. You may not be able to stop someone’s ill words or mindless actions, but you can change how you react to them. Don’t allow them to destroy you or even cause you to retaliate.

Here are some tips to try:

Assess the Criticism and Who It Is Coming From

Imagine an “out of body” experience and look at the situation without ego. Are you in fact being overly sensitive, or has someone treated you crappy without good reason? Sometimes the criticism is more a reflection of where that individual is, rather than an attack on you.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Acknowledge what’s bothering you. Don’t shove your feelings down to avoid confrontation. Accept the message, acknowledge your feelings…let them go. If it doesn’t serve you, let them go; otherwise, you will be held hostage.

Acknowledge without judging yourself or blaming others. What new choices can you make to help you feel at peace?

Focus On Your STRENGTH

Give your strengths more attention. Make a mental list of the things you like about YOU, no matter how small or insignificant you think they may be.

Do Things You Can Be Proud Of

When you are sure of yourself, then you will find it much easier to believe that you can accomplish more. Do what you say.

Respect yourself

People respect those who respect themselves. Don’t give other people a reason to laugh at you by starting the laughter. So if you’re the “fat guy or fat girl” DON’T joke about being the FAT GUY or FAT GIRL! When you make fun of yourself, other’s will follow suit.

Do Things That Make You Feel Better

Go for a walk, get some exercise, or get a haircut. Self-esteem means nothing more than how YOU see yourself. It is all in your head. So do things that make you feel better 🙂

Be YOURSELF, Everyone Else is Already Taken

Don’t sit around trying to figure out why you don’t look like someone else, why you don’t have someone else’s life. You are the only person you should be. Be the best version of yourself!

Accept the Things You Cannot Change and Change the Things You Cannot Accept. Take the steps to change what you cannot accept.

Peace Out Napoleon!